Curriculum Approach
All activities are planned around experiences that stimulate learning in all development areas - physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. Most importantly, all interactions and activities help develop a child’s self-image and a positive feeling toward learning.
Goals of our program are based on the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards.
Curriculum Goals
2.5 Jumpstart Goals
following directions
increasing attention span
communication skills
developing gross and fine motor skills
Children must be 2½ years old by September 1st to begin our Fall session in September.
Children turning 2 1/2 by March 1st of the following year, may enroll once they are 2 1/2 if there is availability in the classroom.
We encourage active potty training at home, and teachers will assist children during this toilet training process.
Our 2½ year old program reflects our WEE KNOW philosophy which states that preschool children learn through play. Early social and emotional relationships determine school readiness.
3K Program Goals
Verbalize first and last name.
Recognizes first letter and at least one other letter in name.
Sorts objects of two different colors accurately.
Names and briefly explains pictures.
Knows age.
Follow simple two-step directions.
Comprehends concept of same-different.
Increased understanding of functions and grouping of objects.
Recognize eight shapes.
Accurately identifies basic colors.
Introduction to letters and numbers.
4K Program Goals
Print first name in proper form.
Spells first name.
Knows age and birthday month.
Follow directions given in three parts.
Uses concepts of yesterday, today, and tomorrow accurately.
Sorts objects using size, color, and/or shape as criteria.
Completes sequential patterns using blocks, etc.
Knows his/her street, town, and telephone number.
Dress self, including zipping and buttoning.
Recognize letters and numbers.
4K Collaboration
Wee Know is partnered with the Kettle Moraine School District in a "4-K" collaboration. This means that families living within the boundaries of this district can choose to send their 4 year old to Wee Know for 4-year old Kindergarten. Families who do not reside in this district or in a district that offers 4K may enroll in this same program (2 to 5 days per week), but would have to pay privately.
The collaborative 4K program is a 4 day per week program (M-Th) for 4 hours per day (9am-1pm). Wee Know's 4-K classroom will have a maximum of 20 children in the class with one DPI licensed teacher and one assistant teacher. Wrap-around care is available Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:30AM & 5:30PM for families needing additional hours.